Testing heading levels beyond 6

Published: October 22, 2019

Headings of different levels beyond 6

h1 with level 7

div with role heading and level 8

h3 with role heading and level 20

Test 1 markup
<h1 aria-level="7">
            h1 with level 7
          <div role="heading" aria-level="8">
            div with role heading and level 8
          <h3 role="heading" aria-level="20">
            h3 with role heading and level 20
Test 1 results
MSAA reports h1, Heading.
IA2 reports role Heading and object attribute level 7, 8 and 20.
Reports AXHeading with value of 7, 8 and 20.
JAWS 2019
Firefox - level 2 for all headings beyond 6.
Chrome - level 2 for h1 and div test, level 3 for h3 test.
Firefox announces level 7, 8 and 20.
Chrome announces level 7 and 8. Level 3 announced for h3 test
macOS VoiceOver
With Safari announces level 7, 8 and 20.