Published September 11, 2019
role=list with groups in it breaks Safari + VO being able to discover the list.
role=list with 2 groups in it with Chrome + VO exposes a list of 2 items. individual items are not announced as being x of y.
No issues with JAWS + Chrome/Firefox. Group only announced by JAWS if has author provided name, and user navigates with virtual cursor. Not announced if navigating by list items.
NVDA + Firefox announce list with 2 groups as a list with 2 items. All items are accessible when navigating by list items. Group name not announced when navigating by list item or virtual cursor.
NVDA + Chrome announce list with 2 groups as a list with 2 items. All items are accessible when navigating by list items. Accessible name of second group is sometimes announced. Not sure what causes it to be/not to be announced at times.