Primary Heading
testTabindexed Heading
testContent goes here, with a link for focus testing.
Test for visually hidden skip link
Oh hi there, also with a link for focus testing.
Works without tabindex -1 target & no JS | Works with tabindex -1 target & no JS | Focus visible | Behavior with active screen reader | |
Firefox Android (91.1) | Viewport scrolls to element | Viewport scrolls to element | False. TB focus surrounds the webview |
TalkBack moves focus, announces webview, but does not announce the element where focus should have been set. Swiping left will take a user to the browser chrome. Swiping right will focus the element after the intended skip link target. |
Firefox (91.1) | True | True | False. Focus indicator is not displayed. |
JAWS: activating a skip link results in JAWS re-announcing content such as the page's title, how many regions, headings, links, etc. JAWS VC focus does move to the content and begins auto-reading from there, with default settings (all tests). NVDA: navigating to main will begin announcing content of main (expected behavior). Skipping to headings announces headings only w/ or w/out tabindex VO: navigating to main will push VO focus to first child element |
IE (11) 2019 test | False | False | True | JAWS, NVDA |
Safari (14.1.2) | True Navigating to main will push VO focus to first child element |
True | True | VoiceOver |
Safari (iOS 13.3.1) | True | True | True | True, VO focus moves and reads the target |
Chrome/Edge (92) | True | True | True |
JAWS, works similar to behavior with Firefox, except that navigating to a tabindex=-1 element it will announce information about that focused element first. NVDA, VoiceOver |
Chrome Android (72) | Viewport scrolls to element | Viewport scrolls to element | False | TalkBack (note: when focusing a wrapping element, Talkback will begin announcing content within the wrapper (main in this test) but skip over announcing links. |
Edge (44) | True | True | True | False, Narrator, NVDA and JAWS VC does not move |
Screen readers (IE11 2019 test):
- NVDA 2018.4.1
- JAWS 2019