testing role=figure on an image

Date: May 9, 2021

VoiceOver (with Firefox, Safari and Chrome/Edge)
"Earth, empty figure". Image not surfaced in VO rotor
VoiceOver iOS
Image is completely ignored as if it doesn't exist
JAWS 2020
FF: found if navigating by G but only announced as "figure". Accessible name announced when navigating by arrow keys.
Chrome + Edge: completely ignores the image with the figure role.
With Firefox, Chrome and Edge the image with the figure role is ignored by NVDA.

a figure caption
Firefox & Safari: "a figure caption, empty figure". Image not surfaced in VO rotor
Chrome/Edge - skips over image entirely. Can only access the figure caption text.
VoiceOver iOS
Image is completely ignored as if it doesn't exist
JAWS 2020
FF: correctly announces as "a figure caption, figure"
Chrome + Edge: completely ignores the image with the figure role.
With Firefox, Chrome and Edge the image with the figure role is ignored by NVDA.

Image w/out figure role (for baseline)
